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Upcoming Events from Our Networks

One Earth Sangha shares local and online events from around the world that express a Buddhist / mindfulness response to ecological crises.

If you would like to suggest an event for inclusion, use the "Contact Us" link in the footer to let us know.

Join us for a 1-day conference exploring the links between spirituality, ecology and peacemaking. With René August, Dekila Chungyalpa, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee and more.

An Ecodharma Retreat for Indigenous-descendant Womxn

Join Bianca Acosta, Andrea Valeska and Kritee (Kanko) for this four day retreat for womxn descendants of indigenous peoples will provide space for participants to gather, share and practice Earth-based ancestral ways of healing.
The retreat will include events at various locations, listening to the stories of our Native American elders, group sharing, as well as offering prayers for the earth and all its inhabitants. Our deepest connection to this land comes through our hosts and elders.

Buddhism and Ecology

In this retreat we'll explore how traditional Buddhist teachings like interdependence & emptiness intersect with ecology - the science of relations between living beings. This retreat looks at ecology through a Buddhist lens and Buddhism through an ecological lens - it's not a focus on the current ecological crisis, though that will be included.

Facilitated by Zohar Lavie, Nathan Glyde, and James Blake

This is an opportunity to spend a day outdoors together, working gently with the earth as an expression of our hearts. The day will be framed by periods of meditation and contemplation cultivating greater awareness in a daily life setting.

An Ecodharma Gathering

With Adam Lobel, Catherine McGee, Dougald Hine, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Daniel Christian Wahl, the Ulex Project and many others. Among the ancient trees and rolling meadows of rural France, join us for a lively retreat of meditation, Earth practices, community, inquiry, and wise action.

With Rupert Marques

This retreat is offered as an invitation to resource ourselves, to deepen our gratitude for being alive on this Earth as well as to nourish and inspire ourselves as we navigate our way into an uncertain future.

Experiential Nature Retreat

Johann Robbins, David Loy, Rochelle Calvert and Cornelia Santschi will lead this retreat that includes plentiful time for sitting, hiking/walking meditation, as well as nature meditation instruction, dharma talks, and small group ecodharma exploration.
During this retreat, mindfulness communities and friends from across North America gather to honor the Earth, practice the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Plum Village tradition of Engaged Buddhism, and build a beloved community.

Offered by Gil Fronsdal, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Susie Harrington, Ram Appalaraju, and Kirsten Rudestam.

This program offers basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain. The program includes online and residential retreats. Application period will open for the 2024-2026 program on April 1st, 2024.