Picture of William Edelglass

William Edelglass

William Edelglass is Director of Studies at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. He also teaches at Smith College, where he is the Director of the Five College Tibetan Studies Program in India, and is adjunct professor at the Central University for Tibetan Studies in Sarnath, India. His scholarship explores questions in Buddhist studies, environmental humanities, and philosophy. William has practiced in several different Buddhist traditions and has taught widely in dharma centers, academia, as a wilderness guide, and in several Tibetan academic institutions in India. William’s most recent book is The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy.

An Interview with Bhikkhu Bodhi

What are the latent potentialities of the Dhamma for our deep troubles today? Bhikku Bodhi offers visions of an alive Dhamma responsive and evolving to a world in crisis.