Picture of Tilly Campbell-Allen

Tilly Campbell-Allen

Tilly Campbell-Allen was first immersed in Buddhism during the early 1980s when her family received Tibetan geshes to live in her London home, and, as a mother of three and after fifteen years living in rural France, she continues that spiritual legacy, though her areas of interest extend far beyond her Buddhist roots. She enjoys exploring the philosophical, spiritual, natural and historical depths of local narratives and mythologies, the nature of reality at the micro and macro level, mind and body health, symbols and magic. She is a writer and artist whose divinity artwork is currently owned by a growing number of collectors worldwide.

Roshi Joan Halifax at the Sakyadhita Spain Symposium 2020

Roshi Joan Halifax emphasizes the transformative role of unbiased compassion in responding to suffering, including ecological crisis.
How should we live amidst vast systems of interlocking harm? Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo invites us to begin by adopting nonviolence as a way of life.