Picture of Mushim Patricia Ikeda

Mushim Patricia Ikeda

Mushim Patricia Ikeda is an internationally-known secular mindfulness and Buddhist teacher working primarily with justice activists and Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) meditation practitioners and with people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. A core teacher at East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland, California, she is an author whose writing has been published in Lion's Roar, Tricycle, Buddhadharma and various anthologies. She is the recipient of an honorary doctor of sacred theology degree from the Starr King School for the Ministry. Mushim was selected by Lion's Roar Buddhist media magazine as one of twenty-six "Great Buddhist Teachers" in the January 2022 issue. Mushim’s website is www.mushimikeda.com

Until the Great Work is Done

Might Earth be a Buddha? Mushim Ikeda explores the practice of taking refuge in the body of water, soil, and sky.

Cultivating a Practice of Generative Expansion → Contraction → Action

Can we live with species extinction, 1.2 billion human climate refugees by 2050, and other environmental emergencies? Can we function daily, find joy, care for children and elders, continue to be of service?

How Do You Manifest True Nature?

Might the greatest demonstration of our Buddha-nature be a humble and harmonious relationship with Planet Earth? Mushim Patricia Ikeda contemplates an answer to the pine tree koan.

Buddhism, Social Change, and Skillful Means

How does our Dharma practice call us into politics and shape our engagement? While we no longer live in the moment of Occupy and the Tea Party movements, the words of David Loy, Mushim Patricia Ikeda, and Joan Suthlerland speak powerfully to this moment of 2024.