Picture of Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama Willa Miller is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston, MA and its retreat center Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH. She is Visiting Lecturer in Buddhist Ministry at Harvard Divinity School. As a writer and editor, her work has been published in Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Buddhadharma, and the Tibet Journal. Willa’s teaching interests include compassion, non-dual embodiment and contemplative care. Lama Willa is a guiding teacher of One Earth Sangha.

Making a Home in Uncertainty

To be authentically helpful necessitates radical comfort with the unknown. We must metabolize our mind-boggling, heartrending situation and learn to recognize the endless possibilities contained therein.
How might our experience of eco-distress shift if we could offer it the hand of friendship? We share this practice, led by Lama Willa Blythe Baker, from our latest EcoSattva Training.

This Very Body as Friend and Teacher

What happens when we feel a sense of separation from our own bodies? And how might reclaiming our embodiment help us deepen into wholesome relationship with other beings and with Earth?

Making a Home in Uncertainty

To be authentically helpful necessitates radical comfort with the unknown. We must metabolize our mind-boggling, heartrending situation and learn to recognize the endless possibilities contained therein.

Making a Home in Uncertainty

To be thoroughly aware of the dramatic changes underway and to set ourselves up to be authentically helpful is to learn to stay with profound uncertainty. This session takes on that spiritual task.

An EcoDharma Exploration with Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama Willa Blythe Baker, founder and spiritual director of Natural Dharma Fellowship, led this EcoDharma Exploration on April 17.

Making a Home in Uncertainty

To be thoroughly aware of the dramatic changes underway and to set ourselves up to be authentically helpful is to learn to stay with profound uncertainty, to metabolize a mind-boggling and heart-breaking situation to the point of compassionate clarity. This session takes on that spiritual task. Here at the apex of our journey, we will support practitioners as much as their system will allow, an opening of view, heart, and identification. Earth, as each of us, is moving into radical change and can do so with as much wakefulness is available to us. With mind, heart, and the sense of who I am more open than ever before, we can learn to stay and be with, attending to the wordless and unfamiliar. Participants will be supported to listen at depth. We can begin to listen to sense what wants to emerge.

Making a Home in Uncertainty

To be thoroughly aware of the dramatic changes underway and to set ourselves up to be authentically helpful is to learn to stay with profound uncertainty, to metabolize a mind-boggling and heart-breaking situation to the point of compassionate clarity. This session takes on that spiritual task. Here at the apex of our journey, we will support practitioners as much as their system will allow, an opening of view, heart, and identification. Earth, as each of us, is moving into radical change and can do so with as much wakefulness is available to us. With mind, heart, and the sense of who I am more open than ever before, we can learn to stay and be with, attending to the wordless and unfamiliar. Participants will be supported to listen at depth. We can begin to listen to sense what wants to emerge.
Lama Willa Miller reflects on how the coronavirus she calls a Dark Goddess has shattered our illusions of separateness in a world where everything leans. “Yours is a long song of interbeing.”
"The Bodhisattva precepts extend from the idea that bodhicitta, or wise compassion, is the ground of ethical action and speech. We too can ground our activism, social engagement, and resistance in wise compassion." Lama Willa Miller offers five practices that can help us face the immense challenge of climate disruption and ecological crises in general.