Picture of Dan Siegel, MD

Dan Siegel, MD

Daniel J. Siegel, MD, is the executive director of the Mindsight Institute and founding co-director of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center. A graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Siegel is a New York Times bestselling author of several books including Mind, The Mindful Brain, Parenting from the Inside Out, Aware, and the internationally acclaimed bestselling textbook The Developing Mind, which has been utilized by a number of organizations including the US Department of Justice and the Vatican. Dr. Siegel's publications for professionals and the public have been translated into over 40 languages.

Mind and Resilience

In this special session, we’re joined by best-selling author and researcher Dr. Dan Siegel for a tour of mind from the perspective of contemporary neurology. Dan will walk us through what science is coming to understand about what mind is and, critical for our purposes, how we can actively cultivate a healthy, resilient mind, and one that directly experiences, knows, its relatedness with all of life.