The Present Moment as Ground

An Interview with Sister True Dedication

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

As the impacts of environmental disruption grow more frequent and severe, collective distress is on the rise. In this Climate One interview recorded shortly before COP26, Sister True Dedication of Plum Village speaks on the power of mindfulness practice to strengthen our awareness, root us in the present, and lead us to action grounded in compassion. Greg Dalton also talks with Leslie Davenport about how we can support young people in understanding our ecological crises and working with associated difficult emotions.

© Plum Village, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


If compassion doesn’t lead to action how can you call it compassion … compassion has to be expressed.

Lean into the feelings of fear and despair …we need a practice to not be afraid of our fear and our despair.

When we can really embrace the truth of impermanence we become free to explore radical solutions.

Get out of the silos of nations and countries and industries. Just meet each other as human beings to really understand what our ancestors and descendants are calling us to do in this difficult moment.

This recording is from a talk hosted by Climate One.

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