From the Practice
I recommend going outside if weather allows. One of the reasons is that when we do, we tap into different qualities than we might feel indoors because we start to feel the influence of the more-than-human world, of the natural world, of the trees, of the clouds, of the sky, of the rain, the forest, the garden, the birds, flowers, whatever it is that you’re around.
One of the qualities I think that is very helpful to tune into is the peace that exudes from stone, from rocks, from trees, plants, from water, clouds, and to let ourselves feel that, feel that influence, feel how that resonates in the body, and how that calms.
Including the soundscape, silence, sounds appearing and disappearing. At times, sounds can also evoke a sense of ease or wellbeing. Calm, sound of rain, sound of familiarity, birdsong, sounds of morning activity, human activity.
The transcript of this practice can be found here.
This is a meditation featured in Mark Coleman’s book, A Field Guide to Nature Meditation: 52 Mindfulness Practices for Joy, Wisdom and Wonder.