The EcoSattva Training – Spreading the Word

Thank you for your willingness to support us by spreading the word about the EcoSattva Training! In your role of supporting others’ practice, and we hope that with your help, more practitioners and sanghas can come to know about the EcoSattva Training and use it as a resource for their community as the world moves […]

EcoSattva Training Participant Survey

Thank you so much for being a part of One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training course. We are asking for your honest feedback in order to improve our future offerings. Any responses shared with session leaders will be anonymized. Please complete the survey below if you have completed the course, or if you have stopped and […]

Session Eight

In the closing session, we’ll return to our individual aspirations or visions to refine and affirm, and explore the boundless potential of Sangha as the heart of our engagement.

Session Seven

Equipped with a deeply rooted sense of our belonging and calling, we turn outward, discovering the domains of our EcoSattva action.

Session Six

As we continue attuning to wild uncertainty, we might begin to contact new yearnings, new potential for manifestation. What is the biosphere asking of us? When we touch into silence and stillness, what possible futures can we sense?

Session Five

To be authentically helpful necessitates radical comfort with the unknown. We must metabolize our mind-boggling, heartrending situation and learn to recognize the endless possibilities contained therein.

The EcoSattva Training – Spreading the Word

Thank you for your willingness to support us by spreading the word about the EcoSattva Training! As a Sangha leader, you do so much to support others’ practice, and we hope that this course can be a resource to your community as the world moves through unprecedented challenges. We provide the following text and graphics […]

Session Four

Ecological harm is inextricably tied to systems of oppression. Participants are invited to explore, with compassionate accountability, how the dominant structures objectify Earth and all her beings, ultimately harming all.

The EcoSattva Training – Spreading the Word

Thank you for your willingness to support us by spreading the word about the EcoSattva Training! We provide the following text and graphics to serve as starting points. Feel free to choose from any of the following options that suit your needs.  The text below is provided as a starting point with two different audiences […]

Session Three

Here we open to the suffering we may find in our own experience. We explore how it is to be with this world as we perceive it and allow the impacts to be named and honored. We explore the narratives that we carry about ourselves, others, and this world, both helpful and unhelpful.