Transforming Powerlessness

Ant Bridge Crossing

How are feelings of powerlessness hindering our climate and racial justice work? John Bell and Coryna Ogunseitan lead this gathering on September 22 to explore how we might step into our power to bring healing and justice to a suffering world.

The EcoSattva Training – Spreading the Word

Thank you for your willingness to support us by spreading the word about the EcoSattva Training! In your role of supporting others’ practice, and we hope that with your help, more practitioners and sanghas can come to know about the EcoSattva Training and use it as a resource for their community as the world moves […]

Harnessing the Inner Fire

Bonfire against white clouds - Hawaiian’s most active volcano in Big Island.

In the face of disruption and uncertainty, fear and anger often arise as habitual and instinctive reactions. Zac Ispa-Landa led this gathering on August 25 to explore how we might honor and harness these powerful emotions as we show up as agents of change.

Practicing with Rising Uncertainty

Amid new levels of collective instability, how might we change our relationship to distress, anxiety and all of their relatives? Damchö Diana Finnegan and Kristin Barker led this gathering on July 28 to ground our responses in a steady posture and open heart.

The “Bad Guys”

Man looks over oil drills

How might we relate to the “bad guys” as advocates and activists attempting to reduce suffering in the world at large? Kevin Gallagher led this gathering on June 23rd, in exploration of how we might relate, on behalf of both people and planet, to those who cause harm.

Luminous Darkness

What strength might we discover when we connect to often-overlooked virtues such as stillness, rest, and receptivity? On April 28, Deborah Eden Tull led this investigation into the sacred balance of light and dark within Nature and our own minds.

The Ecological Self

How might we nourish the ecological self and support its maturation? John Seed and Br. Tenzin (Dr. Alex Anderson) led this EcoDharma Exploration on May 26 exploring the interwoven teachings and practices of Deep Ecology and Buddhadharma.

Embracing EcoDharma as A New Saint

In this EcoDharma Exploration on March 24, 2024, Buddhist Minister, Author, and Activist Lama Rod Owens led us in exploring and developing renewed visions for activism based on the recognition that all systems of violence intersect with climate change.

Use Your Words

Cross-cultural communication can bring us together… or tear us apart. In this EcoDharma Exploration on February 25, 2024, Rhonda Magee joined Kristin Barker in conversation to explore challenges and opportunities for building true Sangha as we work together for environmental justice.

EcoSattva Training Participant Survey

Thank you so much for being a part of One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training course. We are asking for your honest feedback in order to improve our future offerings. Any responses shared with session leaders will be anonymized. Please complete the survey below if you have completed the course, or if you have stopped and […]