Use Your Words
Cross-cultural communication can bring us together… or tear us apart. In this EcoDharma Exploration on February 25, 2024, Rhonda Magee joined Kristin Barker in conversation to explore challenges and opportunities for building true Sangha as we work together for environmental justice.
EcoSattva Training Participant Survey
Thank you so much for being a part of One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training course. We are asking for your honest feedback in order to improve our future offerings. Any responses shared with session leaders will be anonymized. Please complete the survey below if you have completed the course, or if you have stopped and […]
Practice to Action – Request a Discount
Through the generous support of our community, we are able to offer discounted or free registration to individuals who need it. Our intention is that no one be prevented from the joining this program due to cost. If you would like to request a discount, please fill out the form below. The information gathered on […]
Registration Complete
Thank you for registering for Practice to Action with Tim Ream. We look forward to seeing you in the first week of March 2024. In addition to an email from One Earth Sangha confirming your registration, you should have received several emails from Zoom with information on the sessions, including your link to join. If […]
Register for Practice to Action
Thank you for your interest in Practice to Action. This program has now concluded. Back to Homepage We’re delighted to have you join us for Practice to Action, featuring Tim Ream. This course runs from March 5 through April 18, 2024 (with a break during the week of March 25). You can register for the […]
Practice to Action
From March 5 through April 18, 2024, Earth activist and Zen practitioner Tim Ream leads this six-part course on activism grounded in care, community, and empowerment.
Session Eight
In the closing session, we’ll return to our individual aspirations or visions to refine and affirm, and explore the boundless potential of Sangha as the heart of our engagement.
Session Seven
Equipped with a deeply rooted sense of our belonging and calling, we turn outward, discovering the domains of our EcoSattva action.
Session Six
As we continue attuning to wild uncertainty, we might begin to contact new yearnings, new potential for manifestation. What is the biosphere asking of us? When we touch into silence and stillness, what possible futures can we sense?
Session Five
To be authentically helpful necessitates radical comfort with the unknown. We must metabolize our mind-boggling, heartrending situation and learn to recognize the endless possibilities contained therein.