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Session Seven

Integrating Outer Practice and the Dharma

In session seven, Lou opens to a Dharma consultation with Dharma teacher Catherine McGee in order to reflect on what is emerging in his practice as an aspiring EcoSattva. In the process, we’re invited to investigate our own edges as revealed by the training and outer circumstances. We’ll explore how we can support one another in continuing our journey.

Note that this optional session has not been updated for 2016

Session Leaders

Catherine McGee – Insight (Vipassana) Tradition, Diamond Way
Catherine McGee

Catherine has been teaching Insight Meditation at Gaia House and internationally since 1997. Her teaching emphasises embodiment and working with whatever hinders us from living our deepest knowing in the world through body speech and mind. You can read a a beautiful article by Catherine on the First Foundation of Mindfulness shared here on One Earth Sangha.

Lou Leonard – Insight (Vipassana) Tradition
Lou Leonard

Lou is co-founder of One Earth Sangha, an environmental lawyer, a teacher and the leader of the climate change program at World Wildlife Fund which he joined in 2008 after a year on the staff of the Obama for America campaign. He also serves on the board of directors of the US Climate Action Network. Lou came to the Dharma as a response to the challenges of working on climate issues and practices within the Insight Meditation Community in Washington.

Session Resources

Homework to prepare for this session:

Session audio recording:
[mp3-jplayer captions=”2015 EcoSattva Training” tracks=”Session 7: Integrating Outer Practice and Dharma@/wp-content/uploads/resources/est/session-7/EcoSattva%20Training%202015%20-%20Session%207.mp3″ images=”×300.png” dload=”y”]
[expand title=”Access timing and breakout inquiries here” tag=”strong”]

  • Opening starts at 0:00:00
  • Presenter offering 1 begins at 0:09:00 (0 hours, 9 minutes, 0 seconds)
  • Breakout session 1, using groups of 3 (15 min), begins at 0:28:21
    • Inquiry: What is your “EcoSattva stretch”, the place that you feel inspired and challenged to bring into being? (Similar to last week but perhaps at a deeper level)
  • Community harvest 1 begins at 0:29:00
  • Presenter offering 2 begins at 0:41:16
  • Breakout session 2, using groups of 3 (15 min), begins at 0:56:46
    • Inquiry: As the training nears its closure, what does your heart tell you will support your continuing EcoSattva journey?
  • Community harvest 2 begins at 0:59:44
  • Update on Listening Project at 1:10:53
  • Announcements begin at 1:17:23
  • Invitation to offer dana at 1:23:16
  • Dedication of Merits: 1:24:31

Session transcript: [download id=”4498″] (download PDF)

Optional Follow-Up Resources:

  • Connecting on Climate: A Guide to Effective Climate Change Communication.
    Created by the Earth Institute at Columbia University and EcoAmerica.
  • Climate Outreach: A UK-based initiative to develop tools for communicating around climate change with various audiences, including conservatives, people of faith, young people and others.

Previous Session: Forms of Engagement
Next Session: Continuing the Journey Together