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Session Two: Refuge in Sangha

Session two, as the second of part one of the series, “Resourcing Ourselves for the Journey” focuses on the power of Sangha or our supportive community. With the help of our masterful leaders Joanna Macy and Adam Lobel, we reflect on what it means, in the face of ecological crises, to take refuge in sangha and how we can actively cultivate it. This session completes the foundation for the rest of the series, on developing sources of refuge for when our situation, inner or outer becomes difficult.

Session Leaders

Joanna Macy – Cross Tradition
Joanna Macy

Gaian Teacher Joanna Macy PhD, is a scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. A respected voice in the movements for peace, justice, and ecology, she interweaves her scholarship with five decades of activism. As the root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, she has created a ground-breaking theoretical framework for personal and social change, as well as a powerful workshop methodology for its application. She is author of many books, most recently Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy and the revised edition of Coming Back to Life. More at

Adam Lobel — Shambhala Buddhist Tradition
Adam Lobel

Adam Lobel is a senior teacher (acharya) in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition and a scholar of religion and philosophy. He brings a genuineness and direct experience to the spiritual path and everyday life. In addition to leading programs worldwide, he has taught meditation in the juvenile prison system and is involved in numerous ecological and social transformation initiatives. Adam holds a master’s degree from Harvard Divinity School, where he helped establish a track for Buddhist ministers. He continues his doctoral research at Harvard University.

Resources for Session Two

Homework to prepare for this session:

Session audio recording:
[mp3-jplayer captions=”2016 EcoSattva Training” tracks=”Session 2: Refuge in Sangha@/wp-content/uploads/resources/est/session-2/EcoSattva%20Training%202016%20-%20Session%202.mp3″ images=”×300.png” dload=”y”]
[expand title=”Access timing and breakout inquiries here” tag=”strong”]

  • 0:00–3:52: Introduction to the session recordings — Kristin
  • 3:53–10:27: Introduction to session two — Thanissara
  • 10:27–14:45: Orientation to the EcoSattva Training Series — Kristin
  • 10:46–17:40: Cross-cutting themes and modes of learning — Lou
  • 17:41–19:43: Group sounding, Introducing Speakers — Thanissara
  • 19:44–35:11: Refuge in Sangha — Joanna
  • 35:11–46:06: Refuge in Sangha — Adam
  • 46:07–1:08:33: Communities of practice, experience of sangha and political implications – Joanna & Adam
  • 1:08:34–1:13:49: Breakout session (we recommend groups of 3 or 4 given 3 or 4 minutes each)
    • Inquiry: “When I see what is happening to our world, what breaks my heart is …”
  • 1:13:50–:1:23:00: Community Harvest (comments and questions from the field)
  • 1:23:01–1:29:10: Science and Policy Update – Lou
  • 1:29:11–1:31:20: Resources for the training — Kristin
  • 1:31:21–1:33:00: Closing — Thanissara
  • 1:33:00–1:35:16: Dedication of Merit — Adam


Session transcript (2015 version): [download id=”3925″] (PDF)

Optional Follow-Up Resources:

  • Book: Coming Back to Life by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown, Updated Edition.
  • Practice: Sit Spot from Adam Lobel [download id=”3676″] (download PDF)

Dana – Generosity

To maximize participation, we are offering this series at minimal cost. All of the teachers and leaders on these calls offer their gifts freely in this spirit of dana. In addition, One Earth Sangha has full-time staff who will be supported through the practice of dana, or generosity, from people like you.

If you value this and other offerings from One Earth Sangha and want to support a Dharma-informed response to ecological crises, we invite you to support these efforts. Dana, or generosity, is considered an essential part of practice. We simply cannot continue our work without your support. Any amount you offer is deeply appreciated.

Previous Session: Opening with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

Next Session: Three: Hindrances to the EcoSattva Path at the Individual Level