
Our work happens only through Sangha, our excellent community of volunteers, donors and sponsors. Learn more about our current volunteers and volunteering opportunities.

Supporting Organizations

Kalliopeia Foundation
We are honored to receive the support of Kalliopeia Foundation which is “responding to a need—a global challenge—to take spiritual as well as physical responsibility for our common home. Our programs and those we support engage with contemporary issues at their root, with the understanding that ecological, cultural, and spiritual renewal are interdependent.” We invite you to explore Kalliopeia’s work, especially Emergence Magazine and our fellow grantees.

BESS Family Foundation
The BESS Family Foundation‘s mission is to “to foster kindness and caring for all beings through mindfulness and meditation practices.” The foundation supports Earth-based mindfulness initiatives and convenes Eco-Advisory groups. We are deeply grateful for their support of our work.

Intersein Foundation
Our EcoSattva Training is funded in part by the Intersein Foundation. Named in recognition of the concept of “interbeing” first coined by Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, this foundation “seeks to embody engaged Buddhism, a spirituality that strives to take on responsibility.” We are honored and delighted to receive their support for the EcoSattva Training.

Insight Meditation Community of Washington
From the beginning, the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (DC) has been the home Sangha for both founders, Kristin and Lou, an early champion of our work and our first fiscal sponsor. We couldn’t be more grateful to Tara, Hugh, Anne, and the whole IMCW family for their trust and support.

Inquiring Systems, Inc.
Inquiring Systems, Inc. is our fiscal sponsor, providing insurance and the benefits of 501(c)3 nonprofit tax status. We are grateful for the services they provide not only to One Earth Sangha but to dozens of other projects working for the well-being of people and planet.

Mindfulness and Dharma Partners

One Earth Sangha is honored to work with several organizations in the Buddhist tradition who engage on ecological issues.

Collaboration Partners

We are also grateful to work in coalition with a number of faith organization who, like us, seek to both represent and engage their communities on ecological issues.

Technical Sponsors

As ours is a site hosted on Ubuntu using a number of open-source solutions, we have benefited from the magnificent community of developers who share the results of their craft without explicit charge.
We are also grateful to the following software companies for supporting not-for-profit organizations like our own with discounts on their solutions.

If you’re interested in making a financial contribution, we would be honored to receive your donation. If you would like to join our volunteer team, learn about our current opportunities and get in touch.