A Prayer for Protection


Editor's Introduction

On June 4, 2023, renowned monastic, scholar, and abbot Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche passed into peace after a period of ill health. In observance of this loss and in celebration of his life of promoting wisdom and loving-kindness, we share this aspiration he composed in response to the tumult of ecological crises.

At the request of the scientist John Stanley, a student of the Lord of Refuge Dudjom Rinpoche, this aspirational prayer was composed by Tranguwa.

An Aspiration Concerning Global Warming

May the blessings of the exalted sources of refuge,
The Buddha, his teachings and community: the Three Precious Jewels,
And the spiritual teacher, meditational deities and protectors of the Buddhist teachings: the Three Roots,
Fully pacify the terrors of illness, famine and war,
Along with chaotic disturbances of the four elements—
The imminent and terrifying danger that the whole world will become a great wasteland,
As temperature imbalance causes the solid glaciers of snow mountain massifs to melt and contract,
Afflicting rivers and lakes, so that primeval forests and beautiful trees near their deaths!


May the sublime endowments of good fortune and spiritual and temporal well-being flourish,
And may all beings nurture one another lovingly and kindly,
So that their joy may fully blossom!
May all their aims be fulfilled, in accordance with the sacred teachings!

This prayer was originally published on Ecobuddhism.org. It is reprinted here with permission.

Picture of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche was a senior scholar within the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and the author of many books and commentaries. He was born in Kham, Tibet, in 1933 and entered Thrangu Monastery at age seven. He served as the main tutor to His Holiness the Seventeenth Karmapa and traveled worldwide giving teachings and leading retreats. He was also abbot of Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia and founder of Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado. He passed away on June 4, 2023.
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One Response

  1. If we are able to live and love we should agree and share this prayer. – thats my meaning and feeling, my body and soul.

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