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Module Four

Exploration of Forms and Expressions


  • We bring together content from the first three modules, we examine how all of these ideas tend to manifest and express in our projects for eco-social change
  • Turning then to the Buddhism that many of us know and love, in a rapidly mutating planet, what forms can it, might it take through you?

Live Session

Join the live session on Monday, December 12, 11 am – 1 pm PT / 2 – 4 pm ET

You should have a meeting invitation in your email with the following zoom link, which you can also use here:

Zoom link: Connect to the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 7526 7284
Passcode: 408790
Connect by phone numbers


Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these preparatory materials before joining the live session.

Video: 13 Myths and Mistaken Strategies

Video: EcoDharma and EcoSangha Forms

Article: Whyte – Against Crisis Epistemology


We invite you to journal for at least 10 minutes on each of these questions:

  • What are you wrestling with at this point in the course regarding the space of EcoDharma? What are the myths and mistaken strategies (mentioned here or otherwise) that you’re working through?
  • In this territory, what are the tensions you experience in teaching your regular Sanghas and Sanghas where you are invited to teach? How might these be integrated more deeply into your dharma leadership, teaching and otherwise?
  • What happens when you broaden the vision of your own leadership beyond the teaching and even the activist forms it has today?

Supplemental Resources


Your reflections on the course are essential to our process.

After the live session for each module, we invite your feedback on that and another completed modules as well as general feedback on the course. Thank you!

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